Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Self, good eats at the flushing mall food court, random art/fashion installation on grand street, smoked trout platter at Freedman's, coffee and fresh squeezed OJ at the neighborhood diner

Bought this old film camera off ebay last fall, and didn't get around to actually experimenting with it until recently. I was doubtful that it would even actually work, as the seller said that they literally found it in their basement, and wasn't sure if it was in working condition or not. I bought it anyway. Imagine my surprise when it a) actually turned on after I put some batteries in it, b) ended up producing some pretty cool shots.


  1. nice pics! I've been wanting to get into film myself. My mother has an old Nikon that I've just been too lazy to get reserviced.

  2. I really like these! I keep meaning to invest in a proper film camera.

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